Partner Programs and Links

Substance Use


Tools for Those in Recovery

Resources for Parents and Others

Local and State Resources

  • NAMI Sauk Area – The National Alliance on Mental Illness Sauk Area Chapter
  • Safe Passage of the Sauk Valley – This is the page for information about the Safe Passage Initiative in Lee and Whiteside Counties
  • Safe Harbor of Lee County’s Facebook page – This Facebook forum was created to organize our community to support and respond to urgent public health needs and gaps: Compassionate, caring, community response (must have Facebook account and/or phone app to access).
  • Illinois Warm Line – Click the link to the left for their flyer. This service is free for anyone residing in Illinois and is for individuals in recovery, their families, friends, and community members. The Warm Line is funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health.
  • WebMD – WebMD is a single website that has information on all diseases, including mental illnesses, addiction, and other behavioral healthcare illnesses and disorders.
  • Public Transportation 4-County Area (Carroll, Lee, Ogle, Whiteside) Carroll County Transit
  • Lee/Ogle Transportation System (LOTS)
  • Whiteside County Public Transit

Prescription and Over the Counter Drug Misuse Awareness

Resources for Employers

  • Drug-Free Workplace Toolkit – provides information to help employers develop and sustain successful drug-free workplace programs.  Use this toolkit to support workplace health and safety by creating and maintaining drug-free workplace policies and programs. These may include preventing the misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; addressing substance misuse within the context of workplace health and wellness programs; and providing intervention services for employees and for their families. Download your free toolkit here.
  • Prescription Drug Employer Toolkit – These materials will help employers understand the impact of prescription opioid use and misuse in the workplace and effectively communicate with employees. Information below covers drug testing, workers’ compensation, prevention and more. Download your free toolkit here. 
  • The Opioid Epidemic Practical Toolkit – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (also known as “The Partnership Center”) created this toolkit for faith based and community leaders.Download your free toolkit here. 
  • Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit – This toolkit offers strategies to health care providers, communities, and local governments for developing practices and policies to help prevent opioid-related overdoses and deaths. Access reports for community members, prescribers, patients and families, and those recovering from opioid overdose. Download your free toolkit here.

The Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplace